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Scratch Card Fundraiser

and Raffle Ticket Games

Scratch Offs can help – Use it in many multiple ways –A fundraising tactic for charities, non-profits, teams, and individuals

  • Receive donations and pledges.
  • Reward donors.
  • Run raffles and scratch-off games at events.
  • Thank and reward staff and volunteers.
  • Collect email addresses, phone numbers, and street addresses.

Best Use Cases for Your Fundraiser Using Scratch-Offs.

Each scenario described below includes a Priiize Scratch-Off live demo game below.

NOTE: The scratch-off game examples below use images from our free image library. You use your own prize images, logos, background images, etc., and are welcome to include ours from the free image library. Everything is customizable.

The best scratch-off cards to use for each fundraiser scenario:

Raffle Tickets: Simple Solution #1

This is the simple way of doing it—no need to buy and hand out paper raffle tickets – have people play on your mobile device or theirs.

Scratch & Win Template. This type of Digital Raffle Scratch-Off is excellent for Live Events, Video Events, and Meetings.

Sell virtual raffle tickets verbally while donors are present at your event. Have volunteers carry a tablet and go table-to-table with your raffle ticket game. Each donor pays for a chance to play on a device to see if they are a winner. Winners claim their prize in person at the event.

Another way to have guests play is to have them scan the game’s QR code to play. The more raffle tickets they purchase, the more times they can play your scratch-off ticket.

Set the “Next Play” option to “Immediate Replay” to streamline automation.

Play the live demo to experience this type of raffle ticket. Build raffle tickets with your graphics, or download ours. They are free to use.

Play the live demo to experience this type of raffle ticket. Your actual game will not display “Play Again.” Players will only be able to play one time. Build raffle tickets with your logo and graphics and reveal images, or download our free ideas.

You can also play it by clicking this link or scanning the QR code below.

Raffle Ticket QR Code - play free demo - Raffle Tickets: Scenario #1

Try me.

Fundraiser: Simple Raffle Ticket - Scenario #2

Using the
Basic Scratch & Win Template.

Have the donor play on your tablet or cellphone in front of your staff or volunteer to have total control. Set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay,” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.

The donor hands you the donation amount on their scratch-off reveal. Doing your game this way is the most straightforward way fundraisers do it.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code below.

QR Code - scan to play raffle ticket demo

Fundraisers Scenario Live Demo #1

Fundraiser: Simple Solution - Scenario #3

Using the
Scratch & Win + Claim Template.

This game template collects donor names, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, and other pertinent information on a donor claim form (repurposed prize claim form.)

Use your cellphone if people are playing in front of you and set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.

If donors are playing off-premise on their mobile device or computer, do not set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay.” Choose a more appropriate time frame based on your needs. You would send each person your game URL as a text or image link or the game QR code to scan and play.

The winner will fill out a donation claim form and receive an email notification after their claim is approved. You can customize the email notification instructions on how to pay, or you may want to turn off Priiize’s email notifier and direct the donors to a site that processes your credit card donations.

Each donor’s data is collected on your Priiize dashboard and is available to download in Excel or CSV.

Play the live WeCare Charity – Scenario Demo #2 game for the user experience.

Play the live WeCare Charity – Scenario Demo #2 game for the user experience.

Play the live Scenario Demo #2 game for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code below.

Fundraisers Scratch Off: Scenario #2

Fundraisers Scenario Demo #2

Fundraiser: Scenario #4

Using the
Scratch & Win + Opt-In + Claim Template.

This game template has opt-in and donor claim forms used to collect and process donor names, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, and any other pertinent information on a donor claim form (repurposed prize claim form.)

Use your cellphone or tablet if people are playing in front of you and set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay,” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.

If you plan for donors to play on their mobile device or computer, do not set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay.” Choose a more appropriate time frame based on your needs. You would provide each person with your scratch-off game URL as a text, image link, or the game QR code to scan and play.

The winner opts in to play by clicking the Facebook or Google icons or entering their email address. Facebook and Google will give you the person’s first and last name and email address. You will not get the first and last name if they use the email address field to enter.

The players scratch off, and their donation dollar amount displays. They fill out a donation claim form and will receive an email notification after their claim is approved. You may turn off Priiize’s email notification and direct donors to a site that processes credit card donations.

Using Priiize’s donor form will populate data acquisition on your dashboard and be available to download in Excel or CSV or integrate with a Webhook.

Play the live WeCare Charity – Scenario Demo #3 game for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code below.

scan the QR Code

Fundraisers Scenario Demo #3

Fundraiser: Scenario #5

Digital Raffle Tickets Using the Scratch & Win + Opt-In + Claim Template.

This game template has opt-in and donor claim forms used to collect and process donor names, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, and any other pertinent information on a donor claim form (repurposed prize claim form.)

Players purchase Raffle Tickets with a 1x-use Unique Access Code to play.

Each enters their 1x-use Unique Access Code on the digital raffle ticket opt-in form to play. Players can only play if they have an access code.

In this example, the Raffle game has winners and losers. Winners will fill out a prize claim form. Donors can purchase multiple Raffle Tickets to play. The more they buy, the more money they take in.

Use your cellphone or tablet if people are playing in front of you and set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.

If you plan for donors to play on their mobile device or computer, do not set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay.” Choose a more appropriate time frame based on your needs. You would provide each person with your scratch-off game URL as a text, image link, or the game QR code and their unique Access Code to play.

Winners will see their prize after scratch-off, process a prize claim form, and receive an email notification after you approve their claim.

Winners and losers data acquisition will populate on your Priiize dashboard and be available to download in Excel or CSV or integrate with a Webhook.

Play the live WeCare Charity – Raffle Cards Scenario demo game for the user experience.

Play the live Raffle Ticket game demo for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the Raffle Ticket QR Code below.

Fundraisers: Scenario #4 Digital Raffle Ticket

DIGITAL RAFFLE TICKET: Fundraisers Scenario Demo #4.

Use Access Code 1234 to play this Raffle Ticket demo. ON an actual game, each access code would be unique on actual game and only available to be used once.

Scratch Cards for Fundraising
Scratch Card Fundraisers are an easy, fun, and highly profitable fundraiser strategy.

Scratch Card Fundraiser.

Digital Scratch Card Fundraisers are an easy, fun, and highly profitable fundraiser strategy.

Everyone loves to scratch off, win, or donate the dollar on their scratch-it reveal. Scratch-offs are engaging and exciting to play.

Scratch-off fundraiser cards are even more dazzling because they are environmentally friendly, so no paper or trees are used to make them. Your donors scratch off, donate the amount on their scratch-off reveal, give you their donation money on the spot, and it was so easy! They receive a confirmation email with their donation amount.

The scratch cards are displayed on their cellphones or computers, and they donate in person, by mail, or by a link to their merchant account for people donating by credit card.

Your organization logo is displayed prominently at the top of every scratch-off card. And we give you unlimited cards with your order – the money raised covers the entire cost of your fundraiser. That means 100% profit for your organization or team.

  • Raise more with less hassle for more significant profit margins!
  • Collect Your Funds On The Spot.
  • Thank Every Supporter With An Instant Email.
  • Scratch-offs display beautifully on mobile devices, laptops, and desktop computers.
  • Instant Free Delivery – No paying and waiting for printing, shipping charges, and delays.
  • Your Group Name and Logo are Printed On Every Scratch Card.
  • Receive an unlimited number of Scratch Cards for one low price.

best use cases - scratch offs for business


We are looking for a ‘scratch off’ ticket to send per donation and market digitally. For example, if someone donates $20 for a scratch-off ticket via Venmo, we send them just one ticket that is only scratched once. Can it be tracked with a unique code and random prize generation?

Is this a possibility?

Yes, this is possible. You can do it this way:

Use the Scratch & Win + Opt-in + Claim template and use access codes to log in to play.

When a donation is received, you send them an email with a unique 1x use access code and the game’s URL link to play a game. When they get to the game, they enter their access code to play and use the Prize Claim form for final approval.

Each player’s name, contact information, unique code, and random prize populate in the admin dashboard database. All data acquisition is available to view and download in Excel, CSV, and PDF.