Scratch-Offs for Business.
Popular Scratch-offs for Business Used For Customer and Employee Engagements, Experiences, and Demand generation.
Make your next incentives and rewards program a success with Envision Scratch-offs for Business.
- Straightforward solution for business gamification.
The reward for Consumer scratch-offs for business could be coupons, special offers, store gift cards, merchandise, swag, getaway vacations, and more.
For Employees, scratch-offs for business – Scratch-off cards are among the best ways to boost employees’ commitment and motivation. 87% of employees claim they feel more socially connected when there are gamified activities in the workplace. It is used as a tool to prevent disengagement and boost motivation.
- Employees’ rewards include bonuses, cash-in-paycheck, swag, merchandise, giveaways, gift cards, vacation getaways, etc.
- Employee Safety and Perfect Attendance Programs.
Incentivize new and established customers with Scratch-Offs for Business Promotions:
- Customer Referrals
- Sign-up Bonuses
- Loyalty Rewards
- New Product Discounts
- Renewal and Activation Awards
Every Scratch-Offs for Business campaign generates a unique URL and QR Code to allow players to play your game. You can send them out in an email or text message and display them on a website, social media, signage, and displays.
Each Scratch-Offs for Business scenario below includes a live demo game to play and interact with.
Scratch-Offs for Business - The Best Scratch Card Games Online.
Maximize Engagements, Experiences & Demand Generation.
The best solutions to improve brand awareness & boost conversions. Hundreds of best-use and different ways and combinations to build scratch-off campaigns exist. Here are a few used by our customers.
#1 Example of Scratch-offs for Business Using the Basic Scratch & Win Template.
Your campaign will have winners and could also include losers.
Print the game’s QR Code on store signage and display rack to scan to play your game.
Plan for what prizes and discounts you will give away and how many rewards to allot. And how winners redeem rewards such as, but not limited to – showing it to the cashier or salesperson or using a promo on their website shopping cart.
Scratch-offs for Business
You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code below.
#2 Example of Scratch-offs for Business - Using the Scratch & Win + Claim Template.
Your campaign will have winners and could also include losers.
This scratch card game uses a prize claim form. Winner’s fill-in name, email, and other data from its prize claim form. As this example shows, it can be used for any game, not just for employees.
Your audience plays this game remotely on their mobile device or computer.
You would send each player your game’s URL as a text, an image link in an email or text message, or the game QR code on printed materials to scan and play.
Winners will fill out a prize claim form and receive an email notification after approval.
You can customize the email notification and add instructions on how to claim. You may want to turn off the email notifier and direct the winners to a landing page on your site that processes their information.
Each winner’s data is collected on your Priiize dashboard and can be downloaded in Excel or CSV or sent to your CRM program or Google Sheets via Webhooks.
Scratch-offs for Business.
Play the live demo – Scenario Demo #2 game for the user experience.
You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code below.

#3 Example of Scratch-offs for Business - Using an Access Code to Opt-In on the Scratch & Win + Opt-In + Claim Template.
This game template has opt-in using a 1x-use access code and winner claim forms to collect and process names, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, and any other pertinent information on a prize claim form.
Instruction for creating Access Codes free for your scratch-off game can be found here.
Players apply for or earn a 1x-use Unique Access Code to play based on your criteria.
Everyone enters their 1x-use Unique Access Code on the digital raffle ticket opt-in form to play. Players can only play if they have a 1x-use access code. You can give out access codes verbally in controlled situations or print cards, each with unique access to give players. Have them earn their cards. The more times they make one, the more times they have a chance to play to win a prize.
In this example, the game has winners and losers. Winners will fill out a prize claim form. Players can earn multiple Access Codes to play. The more they make, the more chances they have to win a grand prize and other prizes.
Use your cellphone or tablet if employees are playing in front of you and set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.
If you plan for employees to play on their mobile device or computer, do not set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay.” Choose a more appropriate time frame based on your needs, such as once, the next day or week, or never again.
You would provide each player with your scratch-off game URL as a text, image link, or the game QR code and their unique Access Code to play.
Winners will see their prize after scratch-off, process a prize claim form, and receive an email notification after you approve their claim.
Winners and losers data acquisition will populate on your Priiize dashboard and be available to download in Excel or CSV or integrate with a Webhook.
Scratch-offs for Business
Play the live demo for the user experience.
You can also CLICK THIS LINK or scan the Raffle Ticket QR Code to play.
Use Access Code 123ABC to play this Raffle Ticket demo. In an actual game, each access code would be unique on the actual game and only available to be used once.

#4 Example of Scratch-offs for Business - Using Facebook, Google, and Email/Phone Number Opt-In on the Scratch & Win + Opt-In + Claim Template.
This game template opt-in form uses Facebook and or Google, or an Email and or Phone number to opt-in, along with a winner claim form to collect and process names, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, and other pertinent information on a prize claim form.
In this example, the scratch-off game has winners and losers. Winners will fill out a prize claim form.
You would provide each player with your scratch-off game URL as a text, image link, or the game QR code and their unique Access Code to play.
Winners will see their prize after scratch-off, process a prize claim form, and receive an email notification after you approve their claim.
Winners and losers data acquisition will populate on your Priiize dashboard and be available to download in Excel or CSV or integrate with a Webhook.
Scratch-offs for Business
Play the live game for the entire user experience.
You can also CLICK THIS LINK or scan the Raffle Ticket QR Code to play.

Scratch-offs for Business Topics
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Envision Digital Scratch-off Cards & Games Generator for Business
Make Virtual Scratch-offs Online for Employee and Customer Rewards, Engagements, and Demand Generation Experiences.
Environmentally Friendly Scratch-Offs – No Trees or Paper Used.