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11 Stadium, Sports Fans, & Sports Bars Promotions Ideas.

Examples Using Scratch-Offs.

Exciting fan and customer engagements, experiences, demand generation, and revenue streams, use Envision.

Sports Fans Scratch-Off Card Promotions Game Card with Access Code to Play - Priiize

Play like a pro and score with fans and customers with Envision Scratch-Offs! Sports fans play your game from their mobile device in your stadium, at sports bars, or at home for a chance to receive a free reward using Envision Custom Scratch-Offs.

Sports Fan and Customer Appreciation Campaigns – Digital Scratch-Offs are used for all types of worldwide, national, and local venues and stadium giveaways:

Sports Scratch Card Games For All Athletic Venues

  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Bowling
  • Boxing
  • Cricket
  • Cycling
  • Darts
  • Diving
  • Extreme Sports
  • Fishing
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Gymnastics
  • Horse Racing
  • Ice Hockey
  • Jet Skiing
  • Kickboxing
  • Luge
  • Pickleball
  • Pool
  • Racing
  • Rowing
  • Rugby
  • Running
  • Sailing
  • Skateboarding
  • Skiing
  • Sledding
  • Snowboarding
  • Soccer
  • Sport Climbing
  • Surfing
  • Swimming
  • Table Tennis
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Weight Lifting
  • Wrestling

All Sports Fans’ scratch-off cards (the campaign is the same as a game) generate a unique URL and QR Code to allow players to play your game. You can send them out in an email or text message and display them on a website, social media, signage, and displays.

#1 Sports Fans Scratch-off Example Using the Basic Scratch & Win Template.

Your campaign will have winners and could also include losers.

Have your sports fans play on your tablet or cellphone in front of your staff to have total control. Set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay,” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.

Plan for what prizes you will give away and how many to allot. And how winners redeem rewards such as, but not limited to, handing them to them in front of you, online, in person, by email or US mail, etc.

Play the Sports Fans live demo – Scenario Demo #1 game for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK or scan the QR Code below to play.

1 Sports Fan Appreciation Promotion (Demo) QR Code


#2 Sports Fans Scratch-off Example - Using the Scratch & Win + Claim Template.

Your campaign will have winners and could also include losers.

This scratch card game uses a prize claim form. Sports Fans Winner’s fill-in name, email, and other data from their prize claim form.

2-Ways To Play This Game Template.

Use your tablet or cellphone if people are playing in front of you and set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.

If your fans play remotely on their mobile device or computer, do not set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay.” You can choose a more appropriate next-play time frame based on your needs.

You would send each player your game’s URL as a text, an image link in an email or text message, or the game QR code on printed materials to scan and play.

Winners will fill out a prize claim form and receive an email notification after approval.

You can customize the email notification and add instructions on how to claim. You can turn off our email notifier and direct the winners to a landing page on your site that processes their information.

Each winner’s data is collected on your game dashboard and can be downloaded in Excel or CSV or sent to your CRM program or Google Sheets via Webhooks.

Play the Sports Fans live demo – Scenario Demo #2 game for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code below.

QR Code Sports Fan Appreciation Promotion


#3 Sports Fans Scratch-off Example - Using an Access Code to Opt-In on the Scratch & Win + Opt-In + Claim Template.

This game has opt-in using a 1x-use access code and winner claim forms to collect and process names, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, and other pertinent information on a prize claim form.

We will create access codes, or you can provide yours to us.

Players apply for or earn a 1x-use Unique Access Code from your organization to play based on your criteria.

Each fan enters their 1x-use Unique Access Code on the digital raffle ticket opt-in form to play. Fans can only play if they have a 1x-use access code.

You can give out access codes verbally in controlled situations or print cards, each with unique access to give players. Have them earn their cards. The more times they earn one, the more times they have a chance to play to win a prize.

Sports Fan Scratch-off Access Code - Priiize

In this example, the game has winners and losers. Winners will fill out a prize claim form. Players can earn multiple Access Codes to play. The more they earn, the more chances they have to win a grand prize or other prizes.

Use your cellphone or tablet if employees are playing in front of you and set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay,” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.

If you plan for fans to play on their mobile device or computer, do not set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay.” Choose a more appropriate time frame based on your needs, such as once, the next day or week, or never again.

You would provide each player with your scratch-off game URL as a text, image link, or the game QR code and their unique Access Code to play.

Winners will see their prize after scratch-off, process a prize claim form, and receive an email notification after you approve their claim.

Winners and losers data acquisition will populate on your game dashboard and be available to download in Excel or CSV or integrate with a Webhook.

Play the Sports Fans live demo for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK or scan the Raffle Ticket QR Code to play.


Use Access Code 123456 to play this Sports Fans demo. In an actual game, each access code would be unique on the actual game and only available to be used once.

QR Code 3 Sports Fan Appreciation Promotion

#4 Sports Fans Scratch-off Example - Using Facebook, Google, and/or Email/Phone Number Opt-In on the Scratch & Win + Opt-In + Claim Template.

This game template opt-in form uses Facebook and/or Google, or an Email and/or Phone number to opt-in, along with a winner claim form to collect and process names, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, and other pertinent information on a prize claim form.

In this example, the scratch-off game has winners and losers. Winners will fill out a prize claim form.

You would provide each player with your scratch-off game URL as a text, image link, or the game QR code and their unique Access Code to play.

Winners will see their prize after scratch-off, process a prize claim form, and receive an email notification after you approve their claim.

Winners and losers data acquisition will populate on your game’s dashboard and be available to download in Excel or CSV or integrate with a Webhook.

Play the Sports Fan live game for the entire user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK or scan the Raffle Ticket QR Code to play.


QR Code 4-Sports-Fan-Appreciation-Promotion

#5 Score Sports Fan Scratch-off Example - Using the Scratch & Win + Claim Template.

Your campaign will have winners and could also include losers.

This scratch card game ticket uses a prize claim form. Sports Fan Winner’s fill-in name, email, and other data from Priiize’s prize claim form.

2-Ways To Play This Game Template.

Use your tablet or cellphone if people are playing in front of you and set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.

If your fans play remotely on their mobile device or computer, do not set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay.” Choose a more appropriate next-play time frame based on your needs.

You would send each player your game’s URL as a text, an image link in an email or text message, or the game QR code on printed materials to scan and play.

Winners will fill out a prize claim form and receive an email notification after approval.

You can customize the email notification and add instructions on how to claim. You may want to turn off our email notifier and direct the winners to a landing page on your site that processes their information.

Each winner’s data is collected on your game dashboard and can be downloaded in Excel or CSV or sent to your CRM program or Google Sheets via Webhooks.

Play the Sports Fan live demo – Scenario Demo #2 game for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code below.

SCORE Sports Fan Promotion Demo - QR Code - scan to play free - Priiize Scrach offs


#6 Sports Fans Scratch-off "Play of The Day" Example Using the Basic Scratch & Win Template.

Your campaign will have winners and could also include losers.

Have your sports fan play on YOUR tablet or cellphone in front of your staff to have total control. Set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay,” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.

Plan for what prizes you will give away and how many to allot. And how winners redeem rewards such as, but not limited to – handing it to them in front of you, online, in person, by email or US mail, etc.

Play the Sports Fan live demo – Scenario Demo #6 game for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code below to play.

QR Code - Sports Fan Promotions Demo - play free


#7 "Play Ball" Scratch-off Example Using the Basic Scratch & Win Template.

Your campaign will have winners and losers.

Plan for what prizes you will give away and how many to allot. Consider adding a prize claim form or 1x use access code opt-in for players. And how winners redeem rewards such as, but not limited to – handing it to them in front of you, online, download, in person, by email, text, or US mail, etc.

Play this demo – Scenario Demo #7.

You can also CLICK the LINK to play or scan the QR Code below to play.

QR Code Sports Fans Scratch-Off Card



Your campaign will have winners and could also include losers.

Plan for what prizes you will give away and how many to allot. Determine how fans redeem their prizes, such as handing them to them in front of you at the game, online, in person, by email, or by US mail, etc.

Play the Soccer Sports Fan live demo – Scenario Demo for the user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play.

Scan the QR Code below to play.


#9 Sports Bars & Pubs Digital Scratch off Cards - Match-3 & Win Example Using the Scratch & Win + Claim Template.

Your campaign will have winners and losers.

This scratch card game uses a prize claim form. Sports Fans who win will fill in their name, email, and other data from your prize claim form.

2-Ways To Play This Game Template.

Give fans a chance to play after they purchase drinks and food.

Set “Next Play” to 1 hour or a different next-play length of the time frame that you determine, such as 1x day or a week.

You would send each player your game’s URL as a text message or display the game QR code on printed materials for them to scan to play.

Winners will fill out a prize claim form and receive an email notification after approval.

You can customize the email notification and add instructions on how to claim. You may want to turn off the email notifier and direct the winners to a landing page on your site with a form that processes their information to submit for validation. This method is also excellent for acquiring patrons’ cell phone numbers and email addresses to remarket to.

Each winner’s data is collected on your your dashboard and can be downloaded in Excel or CSV or sent to your CRM program or Google Sheets via Webhooks.

Play the Sports Bar & Pub live Demo #8 game for the entire user experience.

You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code below.

QR Code - play Sports Fans Scratch-Off Card for free


#10 Sports Fan "Halftime Game" Scratch-off Example Using the Basic Scratch & Win Template.

Your campaign will have winners and losers.

Plan for what prizes you will give away and how many to allot. Consider adding a prize claim form or 1x use access code opt-in for players. And how winners redeem rewards such as, but not limited to – handing it to them in front of you during the game at your stadium, online, download, in person, by email, text, or US mail, etc.

Play this demo – Scenario Demo #7.

You can also CLICK the LINK to play.

QR Code to play scratch-off game demo - Priiize Scratch Offs
Scan the QR Code below to play.


#11 Basketball Sports Fan "Slam Dunk" Scratch-off Game Example Using the Basic Scratch & Win Template.

Your campaign will have winners and losers.

Plan for what prizes you will give away and how many to allot. Consider adding a prize claim form or 1x use access code opt-in for players. And how winners redeem rewards such as, but not limited to – handing it to them in front of you during the game at your stadium, online, download, in person, by email, text, or US mail, etc.

Play this demo – Scenario Demo #11.

You can also CLICK the LINK to play.

QR Code to play scratch-off game demo - Priiize Scratch Offs
Scan the QR Code below to play.


Exciting "Match 3 To Win" Scratch-Off Games

Free Match 3 To Win Games Artwork – use ours or your own.

Live Demo - Give it a try!

Scratch & Win + Claim Form

7 PANEL MATCH 3 TO WIN GAME Demo 1665246831801 qrcode

or Click this URL link

(Opens in a new window)

Live Demo - Give it a try!

Scratch & Win + Claim Form

6 PANEL MATCH 3 TO WIN GAME Demo 1665246811498 qrcode

or Click this URL link

(Opens in a new window)

sports fan appreciation
SPORTS FAN Scratch-Offs are an easy, fun, and highly rewarding experience and engagement strategy.

Sports Scratch Card Games.

Digital Scratch Cards is an easy-to-make, fun-to-play, and practical strategy for fans.

Sports fans love to play and win something. Digital scratch-offs are engaging and exciting to play.

Envision scratch-off cards are more exciting and are environmentally friendly – no paper or trees are needed to make them.

The scratch cards display beautifully on their cellphone, tablet, laptop, or computer.

Your logo is displayed prominently at the top of every scratch-off card.

  • Sports Fans love playing scratch-it cards!
  • They See Their Reward On The Spot.
  • Thank Every Sports Fan With An Instant Email Generated By Priiize.
  • Scratch-offs display beautifully on mobile devices, laptops, and desktop computers.
  • Instant Free Delivery – No paying and waiting for printing, shipping charges, and delays.
  • Receive an unlimited number of Scratch Cards at Priiize for one low price.

Scratch Card Games are excellent for incentives, motivation and rewards programs, marketing, activations, company functions, galas, and online play remotely.

Envision Scratch-off Cards & Games Generator Online.