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Automotive Industry

Digital Scratch Off Card Promotions

The ultimate online business tool for Auto, Truck, RV, Bus, and Van Dealerships, Fabricators, Repair Centers, & Manufacturers Deals Promotion using Priiize Virtual Scratch-Off Games Generator.

Environmentally Friendly – no paper or trees used – 100% digital.

Make Unlimited Scratch-Offs for Unlimited Prizes and Players.

best use cases - scratch offs for business

Automotive Industry Scratch-Off Game 1- Give it a try!

Online Template Scratch It Template:
Scratch & Win + Claim Form
LIVE GAME – PLAY FREE – Free Images for this game

FRIENDLY Auto Sales Repairs Demo 1665758181950 qrcode 1

or Click this URL link

(Opens in a new window)

Automotive Industry - Treasure Chest Luck-Key Scratch-Off Game 2- Give it a try!

Online Template Scratch It Template:
Scratch & Win + Opt-In + Claim Form Template
LIVE GAME – PLAY FREE – Free Images for this game

Treasure Chest Lucky Key 1667176185934 qrcode

or Click this URL link

(Opens in a new window)

Automotive Industry Scratch-Off Games Top #1 in Sales & Customer Engagements Worldwide.

Customer experience in the new and used car automotive industry is essential for selling cars in a competitive and crowded field. Customers are looking for more than a purchase, they are looking for experiences that make them feel good about the brands they buy. Customers expect the best service after the purchase as well.

One Scratch-off Game Campaign Scenario
Everyone looking to purchase a car or get one serviced gets a chance to participate in an in-store game by scanning a QR code on display in the showroom. The game is also promoted live on the flat-screen TVs in the car showroom and customer service area, with cameras pointing to where the QR code is displayed for people to play. This way, everyone at the automotive dealership notices when someone plays the game and wins a prize. The scratch-off game has winners, no losers. Everyone has a chance at winning swag, coupons for discounts on car services, fees, and warranties, and maybe even win a car for a year!

Automotive Dealership Game Set-up:
Anyone visiting the showroom can play the game every week for a one-time per week only. To play, each visitor has to opt-in to play with their email address and cellphone number and agree to the terms and conditions. Everyone is a winner and fills out a simple prize claim form to submit their prize claim and for you to either manually approve or auto-approve each prize claim. The dealership can now capture valuable customer data for future marketing efforts using email blasts and SMS text messaging.

Your automotive dealership visitors play your Priiize scratcher to win a prize and redeemable at your dealership. Imagine the amazement of other customers watching their expressions live on TV. To stay within budget and drive up sales, all game prizes are fixed and determined by you. Creating the best rewards that will convert best for new and used vehicle purchases and service appointments is key to your success.

The Payouts Are Big
Enriching the customer experience and capturing their valuable data for future marketing initiatives makes it a win-win for everyone.

Automotive Promotion – Scratch-off Campaign Summary:

  • Drive foot traffic to your dealership used car lot and new cart showroom.
  • Capture Customer and Potential Buyers Data.
  • Designed by your and or your digital marketing agency.
  • Uses Priiize Virtual Scratch-off Card: Template: Scratch & Win Opt-In + Prize Claim Template with coupons and prizes.
  • The car dealers determine fixed win chances.

Automotive Industry Scratch-Off Games Top #1 in Sales & Customer Engagements Worldwide.

New Scratch-Off Game for the Auto Industry! – Play Match-3 Scratch & win Game Free to Win A New Corvette (demo)

Play free - Grand prize New Corvette Car - Click to play


No credit card is required to start an account or create a 7-day free trial.