Employee Scratch-Offs
Scratch-off game engagement templates for Employees using Priiize Scratch-Offs.

The ultimate online business tool for Employee Giveaways, Rewards, Engagements, Experiences, and Demand Generation.
Scratch-offs are among the best ways to boost employees’ commitment and motivation. 87% of employees claim they feel more socially connected when there are gamified activities in the workplace. It is used as a tool to prevent disengagement and boost motivation.
These Scratch Cards are Environmentally friendly – no paper or trees are used – 100% digital.
By Dennis Romano
Employee engagement ideas.
3 Scenarios Using Digital Scratch Cards for Staff Engagement and Experience Programs.
In Scenarios 1,2 and 3, the employee plays your game and receives a prize reveal. The reveal could be cash-in-paycheck, gift cards, fabulous gifts, vacation getaways, and swag giveaways. Scenario #4 is a free digital Raffle Ticket Scratch-off Game that employees earn and heightens excitement and anticipation of winning a grand prize.
- In the first scenario, Scenarios 1,2 and 3, the employee plays your game and receives a prize reveal. The reveal could be cash-in-paycheck, gift cards, fabulous gifts, vacation getaways, and swag giveaways. Scenario #4 is a free digital Raffle Ticket Scratch-off Game that heightens excitement and anticipation of winning a grand prize.
- The second scenario uses a prize claim form in the winner’s fill-in name, email, and other data from Priiize’s prize claim form. Your employee campaign will have winners and could also include losers.
- In the third scenario, the employee receives a free Company Raffle Ticket with a unique 1x access code to play the game. Your game will have winners and could have losers, too. Winners will fill out a prize claim form. Employees who earn multiple Raffle Tickets based on your criteria can play each raffle ticket and win additional times.
Each scenario described below includes a live demo game below.
Employee Scratch-offs Game: Scenario #1
Using the
Basic Scratch & Win Template.
Have staff play on your tablet or cellphone in front of your staff to have total control. Set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay,” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.
They hand you the device with their scratch-off reveal. Doing your game this way is the most straightforward way employers do it.
Play the live Boyd Demo – Scenario Demo #1 game for the user experience.
You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code below.
Employee Scratch-off Game Scenario Demo #1
Employee Scratch-offs Game: Scenario #2
Using the
Scratch & Win + Claim Template.
Your campaign will have winners and could also include losers.
This scratch card uses a prize claim form. Winner’s fill-in name, email, and other data from Priiize’s prize claim form.
2-Ways To Play It
Use your tablet or cellphone if people are playing in front of you and set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.
If staff play remotely on their mobile device or computer, do not set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay.” Choose a more appropriate next-play time frame based on your needs.
You would send each employee your game’s URL as a text, image link, or the game QR code to scan and play.
Winners will fill out a prize claim form and receive an email notification after their claim is approved.
You can customize the email notification and add instructions on how to claim. You may want the email notifier to direct the donors to a landing page on your site that processes their information.
Each winner’s data is collected on your Priiize dashboard and is available to download in Excel or CSV or send data to your CRM program or Google Sheets via Webhooks.
Play the live Boyd Demo – Scenario Demo #2 game for the user experience.
You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the QR Code below.
Employee Scratch-off Game Scenario Demo #2
Employee Scratch-offs Game: Scenario #3
Digital Raffle Tickets Using the using the
Scratch & Win + Opt-In + Claim Template.
This game template has opt-in using a 1x-use access code and winner claim forms to collect and process names, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, and any other pertinent information on a prize claim form.
Players earn free Raffle Tickets with a 1x-use Unique Access Code to play based on your criteria.
Everyone enters their 1x-use Unique Access Code on the digital raffle ticket opt-in form to play. Players can only play if they have a 1x-use access code.
In this example, the Raffle game has winners and losers. Winners will fill out a prize claim form. Employees can earn multiple Raffle Tickets to play. The more they earn, the more chances they have to win a grand prize and other prizes.
Use your cellphone or tablet if employees are playing in front of you and set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay” so there is no need to keep clicking the game URL or scan the QR Code each time someone plays on your device.
If you plan for employees to play on their mobile device or computer, do not set “Next Play” to “Immediate Replay.” Choose a more appropriate time frame based on your needs, such as once, the next day or week, or never again.
You would provide each player with your scratch-off game URL as a text, image link, or the game QR code and their unique Access Code to play.
Winners will see their prize after scratch-off, process a prize claim form, and receive an email notification after you approve their claim.
Winners and losers data acquisition will populate on your Priiize dashboard and be available to download in Excel or CSV or integrate with a Webhook.
Play the live Boyd Demo – Scenario Demo #3 game for the user experience.
You can also CLICK THIS LINK to play or scan the Raffle Ticket QR Code below.
DIGITAL RAFFLE TICKET: Employee Scratch-off Game Scenario Demo #4
Use Access Code 1234 to play this Raffle Ticket demo. On an actual game, each access code would be unique on the actual game and only available to be used once.

Employee Scratch Cards and Games.
Digital Scratch Cards is an easy-to-make, fun-to-play, and highly rewarding strategy for employees and employers.
Everyone loves to play and win something. Digital scratch-offs are engaging and exciting to play.
Scratch-off cards are more exciting because they are environmentally friendly, so no paper or trees are used to make them.
The scratch cards display beautifully on their cellphone, tablet, laptop, or computer.
Your logo is displayed prominently at the top of every scratch-off card.
- Employees love playing scratch-it cards!
- They See Their Reward On The Spot.
- Thank Every Staff Member With An Instant Email.
- Scratch-offs display beautifully on mobile devices, laptops, and desktop computers.
- Instant Free Delivery – No paying and waiting for printing, shipping charges, and delays.
Scratch It Games for incentivizing and rewarding staff are excellent for incentives, motivation and rewards programs, marketing, activations, company functions, galas, and online play remotely.